
Automatic update for Microsoft Security Essentials and Windows Defender

Hello Friends of Microsoft.

I use these 2 products to protects my computer, they are free and does a good job I think.

These products are Microsoft Security Essentials, and Windows Defender.  (Now the same product, Security Essentials for windows 7, and Defender for windows 8+)
I hope they will stop all these bad software before they do some damage.
But, I don’t understand why the definition updates for these 2 products are part of the «windows update» process.
Like every other antivirus software, like AVG or Avast, they must update without warn me, automatically, and check every hour for new updates if available (or at least once a day), and update without warning me.
I want these 2 products to be always updated, but I do not want them to be part of other windows updates that I want to manually install when I want.
Thank you Microsoft to correct this in a future release of these products.

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