If you want to listen to the greatest online radio, with a huge different kind of music, including the best progressive rock channel (old and new, from TriumVirat to Dream Theater), take a look at the AOL – CBS Online Radio player. This is awesome.
Catégorie : Uncategorized
Je suis sur Google Street View!
Cet été lors d'un de mes retour à la maison dans le trafic, immobilisé à l'approche du pont Laporte, j'ai vu la voiture Google passer avec le bras sur le toit, la machine servant à prendre en photo les villes, pour l'application Google Street View.
Official end of Internet Explorer 6 support
There will be a big party on July 13 2010: That day will be very important for web developers.
The Great Windows 7 Mistake
I recently installed Windows 7 64 bits. I was using Windows Vista 32 bits, so it was a great upgrade. I can't say if the OS is really faster than Vista during my work process, but I am sure that the boot time is really faster. I also really like the new taskbar, very useful and easy to use.
Why not use bing
Bing can be great. It could be a new tool that will do a real concurrency for google, and concurrency is always good to make products evolve. But, bing is hiding data.
Windows Update
This morning, I got a new notification from Safari, that wants to install the latest version. I clicked "install". 10 minutes later, I got a notification from FireFox who wants to do the same. Yesterday, I got a Adobe Flash update notification. And 2 days before, a Java update too. Why do those software ask me my permission to update? Why would I want to NOT update? Where is the checkbox to tell those software to update my machine without notifying me?
Climatiser sa maison en chauffant sa piscine
Cet été nous avons activé l'option "luxe" chez nous. Pour la piscine, une thermopompe, pour la maison, un climatiseur, afin de se baigner entre 80F et 85F, et d'être à 23C sec à l'intérieur. Du plaisir et du confort réuni. Cependant je me demande si j'aurais pu tout faire avec seulement la thermopompe de piscine. En effet, la température de l'air soufflée par la thermopompe est environ 10 degrés sous la température ambiante, et cet air est sec.
Locate Canadian and US AM, FM, TV, XM and Sirius antennas
I have created a very simple web application to help locate physical antennas in your area.
Belle inspiration les québécois…
Tant qu’à faire une copie, ils auraient pu innnover un peu? Changer la caméra d’angle, ou encore mettre un gars au lieu d’une fille au début, qui ne marche pas de la même manière?
En tout cas… il y a 2 ans, les employés de la compagnie Connected Ventures ont parti 1 nouvelle mode avec ce vidéo., sur le son de la pièce Flagpole Sitta.
Aujourd’hui, notre bon gouvernement nous sort 1 publicité sur la consommation de légumes, sans aucune gêne de faire 1 copie de l’original.
Original: http://www.vimeo.com/173714
Copie: http://fr.youtube.com/watch?v=ovplvvICd98
ASP.NET UrlRewriting with MasterPages and « ~ »
For the last days I had a lot of trouble doing my own URL Redirection with ASP.NET (3.5), MasterPages and "~" server side redirection for <img src>, <a href>, <link src=css> and other controls.
After a lot of work and searching, I finally found the solution.
My files:
on the root, I have all my aspx.
On the root/Masterpage folder, I have my .master files
And on the root/Usercontrols folder, I have all my ascx files.
my images are on the root/img folder.
First of all, before talking about redirection, let's talk about what .NET do with your "~" or ".." shortcut.
If these html tags are directly in a .master file (example <img src=../img/image.jpg>, then the ".." or "~" characters will be automatically managed by .NET even if the <img> control is not runat=server. Every html control directly on the .master file will be managed like runat=server objects, to be sure that all the references to other files will work fine, because your aspx files that use these master pages can be anywhere on your web site.
If these html tags are in .ascx files, in user controls, you must add the runat="server", id="something" to every tag you want a clean redirection (<img>, <a> or else). By doing it, the usercontrol will adapt all its containing html "runat=server" tags to the position of the containing ASPX file.
But, we did not do any url rewriting yet.
If I do url rewriting, let's say, I want to say "http://mysite.com/products/" to redirect to "http://mysite.com/productlist.aspx", the problems begins. When the "~" or ".." addresses are managed, they are transformed according to the root folder, because my productlist.aspx file is on the root. For example, if my masterpage have a <img src="../img/picture.jpg"> tag, it will be transformed in "<img src="img/picture.jpg">. The problem is that the URL shown in the browser is /products", so the browser is looking to find the file at this address: http://mysite.com/products/img/picture.jpg. It will never find it.
1 solution I tried is to use the <base> tag in the header, but I got some trouble with, and I have to write a <% %> tag in my .master file, and I hate it.
The best solution I found that seems to work really fine is this one: When you call the "Context.RewritePath" function, with your new url, use this syntax: Context.RewritePath(innerpath, False)
The False tag seems to make all page be calculated from the client url, not from the server url, and that solve every problems !!! It works fine with my page in the designer, in the debug mode with the integrated mini-iis, and with the real IIS too. That's fantastic! And, I'm happy to see that I found a solution that even Microsoft themself did not found! They recently release a urlrewriting utility and they say that they have a known bug, when resolving the "~" addresses ! (look at their "known issue" number 2!)
I tried the solution they told to use, with the Page_Preinit and the use of HTTP_X_ORIGINAL_URL server variable, but it was not working for me, I always have this variable set to nothing.
I hope it may help you. Have a good coding time!